live from Magdalen
College Chapel, Oxford. Preces: Plainsong
Office hymn: Pange lingua (Bruckner and Mode iii) Psalm 134 (Victoria) Lessons <RSV):
Exodus 24, vv 1-11; John 6. vv 48-58
Psalm 116 (Mode i and Fauxbourdons) (Harper) John 6. vv 48-58
Antiphon: 0 quam suavis (Mode vi)
Magnificat (Vivaldi) Intercessions: Pater noster (Palestrina)
Benedicamus domino (Mode ii)
Anthem: Ave verum corpus (Byrd)
Blessing: Ubi caritas (Harper)
Organ voluntary
Jesus Christus unser Heiland (J.S. Bach), (Bwv 665)
Informator choristarum
Assisting organist GEOFFREY WEBBER