Grand Finale
A Programme of the Winning Songs
The singers
Morgan Davies
Bertha Willmott
Gerry Fitzgerald
The Tin Pan Alley Trio
A Section of the BBC Men's Chorus
The BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell
Edgar Peto at the BBC Theatre Organ
Ivor Dennis at the piano
Compere, Bryan Michie
With tonight's broadcast the second edition of this popular series comes to an end. Listeners will remember that the first edition was given last year. A feature of the series has been the invitation to listeners to choose the songs they like best. At the end of each broadcast a medley of songs from the previous broadcast has been played and also the three gaining the largest number of votes. This open invitation has resulted in enormous correspondence, and the organiser of the series, Bruce Sievier, and the producer, Bryan Michie, have had their hands full week by week. An example is shown on this week's Letter Page.