Every year, in common with Jews all over the world, Soviet Jews repeat the vow that ' next year ' they will meet ' in Jerusalem '. But for most Soviet Jews it's a whispered aspiration - part of a clandestine attempt to practise religion in a country where religion is anathema - the more so when it incorporates as a fundamental theme a longing to leave Russia and ' return ' to Jerusalem — to turn one's back on Communism and embrace Zionism.
George Scott looks at the work being done in Britain to help the Jews who want to leave Russia or practise their religion in freedom.
Peter Reddaway , lecturer at the London School of Economics. examines the problems facing Russia if she should give way to Western pressure. National Union of Mineworkers' Secretary. Lawrence Daly , talks about the way in which Russia's attitude towards dissidents affects his own allegiance to Communism.
The Chief Rabbi describes the relationships between Judaism and Zionism, and Russian Jews express their hopes and fears for the future.
BBC Birmingham