A weekly programme for mothers and fathers in which they can discuss and hear discussed the difficulties and pleasures of bringing up a family.
Memoirs of a Month-Old Father by Donald Milner
Father's place in a young baby's life has traditionally been underestimated. Donald Milner, who recently accompanied Dr. Fuchs's expedition to the Antarctic as a BBC reporter, describes his reactions to his month-old son.
Boy Meets Girl
Mrs. Rose Hacker, author of 'Telling the Teenager'
Mrs. Hilary Halpin, Chairman, L.C.C. Children's Committee
Graham Don, West Ham Juvenile Court magistrate
Harry Ree, Headmaster, Watford Grammar School
However carefully and skilfully a parent has answered his young child's questions about the relations between the sexes, such matters take on a new urgency and a new delicacy when he or she reaches adolescence. What, how, and by whom is the teenager to be told?
Compere Robin Holmes
Arranged by Eileen Molony (who writes on page 65)