JIMMY YOUNG'S Guide to Everyday Maths
A series of ten programmes to help you brush up your confidence with numbers.
7: Time and Other Tables
Reading the 24-hour clock is one of the most confusing things about timetables. Join TONY DOYLE , HILARY PRITCHARD and NORMAN BOWLER with pencil and paper as Jim explains all about bus and railway timetables, and how to find your way through holiday brochures. In the sketch RAY LONNEN and MANDY MORE
Sketch by CHRIS miller
Production ANNA JACKSON ,
Book (same title), 12.50, from bookshops For information about local classes in basic maths Ring [number removed] (England). [number removed] (Scotland). [number removed] (Wales). [number removed] (N Ireland) between 9.30 and 5.30 from Monday to Friday. For individual help a tutor will answer questions if you ring [number removed] Thursday only from 6.0 to 8.0 pm