A programme for those interested in brushing up their French
17-Sur la route d'Avignon Script by Max Bellancourt
Produced by J. P. Allen
After breakfast the Vidals-Simone, Brian, and John-set off for Avignon. The Vidals' car has a puncture and Brian and John get involved in an accident.
La tuyauterie, pipes; commander, to order (things); la pompe a essence, petrol pump; le pare-brise, windscreen; le démarreur, starter; le contact, ignition; passer les vitesses, to change gear; a quoi sert ... ? what is the purpose of ... ?; se servir de (je me sers de ....), to use; la panne, breakdown; crever, 10 have a puncture; le cric, jack; la roue de re-change, spare tyre; accrocher une voiture, to have a collision with a car; gonfler les pneus, to pump up the tyres; l'embardée, skid, swerve; obtemperer, to obey (police language); la conduiteinterieure, saloon car; avoir une faim de loup, to be awfully hungry; tendre le bras par la portiere, to put your arm out of the window; il a failli nous rentrer dedans, he almost ran into us; I'agglomération, built-up area; etre en etat de contravention, to have broken the law; mettre quelqu'un a I'amende pour exces de vitesse, to fine someone for speeding.