Nature Study
Round the Countryside-2
Feeding Birds Eric PARKER
In this, Mr. Eric Parker's first talk of the present term, Schools are to be reminded that for birds February is the hungriest month of the year.
Boys and girls should therefore give birds extra food. They will find that blackbirds and thrushes, though they greatly prefer a worm or a succulent snail in ordinary weather, will welcome bread when the bone is in the ground. And if a lump of suet, or a broken coconut is hung up in the garden, blue tits and cole tits and great tits will give it a hearty welcome, and even a handsome nuthatch, usually so shy, will not be averse from paying it a visit outside your window.
Thus a close view of all kinds of birds and their pretty ways may be yours in return for a little kindness. And when it is freezing don't forget that some drinking water is as essential for them as food.