Music and readings in honour of the Blessed
Virgin Mary in the Abbey Church, Tewkesbury.
Sung by the EXON SINGERS. Introit: Congratulamini mihi (Victoria)
Readings (RSV): Luke 1, vv 26-38; Luke 2, w 1-19, vv 22-35; John 19, vv 16-18, 25-27; Acts 1, w 1-14 Anthem: Ave Maria (Mendelssohn)
Poem: The Annunciation (Edwin Muir )
Anthem: I sing of a maiden (Bax)
Hymn (NEH 181): The Lord whom earth and sea and sky
Motet: When to the temple Mary went (Eccard) Hymn: 0 quot undis (plainsong)
Poem: Pieta (David Gascoyne ) Magnificat (Finzi)
Hymn (NEH 185): Sing we of the blessed Mother
Organ voluntary: Fugue sopra il magnificat (BWV 733) (Bach) conducted by CHRISTOPHER TOLLEY
Organist ANDREW LUMSDEN BBC Pebble Mill