Chris de Souza introduces a recita! from
Cheltenham Town Ha)!.
GhgorySokotov (piano)
Schubert P/ano Sonata <n A, D664
Schumann /4rat)es/<e <n C, Op IS; FDree Not/e/ettes0p21; Nos2, 7. and8 8.15 Twenty Minutes: Persona))y Speaking Four programmes in which Kevin Jackson explores the art of the essay.
3: /4nger and Outrages. The poiitica! essay, inctudingCartyie. Orwe!i and GoreVida!.
8.35 Chopin Mazurhas: /n A m;nor, Oppose (Notre Temps); Op 50: Op 63; Op 68 Nos 2-4 See Mofn'ng Performance tomorrow 11am