A Radio Trifle for Six Voices and a Brass Band
Adapted by Denis Johnston from short story by Frank O'Connor
The cast includes
J. R. Mageean W. R ,
Gordon Charles Owens 4
Jack Gavin
J. C. Magennis
Patrick Looney
Music arranged by James Denny Production by Henry McMullan
This programme is the tale of the rivalry between the Melancholy Lane Brass and Reed Band and the frishtown Band. The latter's members had ' all been born and reared, as it were, between the bar lines ', but there came a time when their thirst surpassed their musicianship and drove them to the local pawnbroker with their instruments. It was unfortunate that St. Patrick's Day was not far off, and unfortunate also that the pawnbroker was a hard man with no soul for music. But they succeeded in recovering a few of their instruments, and also in defeating their hated temperance rivals from Melancholy Lane.