Appeal on behalf of totally disabled ex-Servicemen at the Queen Alexandra Hospital Home, Worthing, and St. David's Home, Ealing (registered in accordance with the National Assistance Act, 1948) by Cuthbert Fitzherbert, Chairman of the Committee of Management of St. David's Home.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to Cuthbert Fitzherbert , Esq., [address removed].
During the last thirty-three years thousands of patients suffering from the effects of the two world wars have been admitted to the Homes for which the Appeal is being made this evening. Many of the patients have serious disabilities which call for skilled nursing and medical attention.
In 1948 these two Homes became 'disclaimed' under the New Health Act. This means that the work of the last thirty-three years continues as before on a voluntary basis. Capitation payments by the Ministry of Pensions are received for a number of the patients, but these fall short of the total cost of maintenance.