from St. James's Parish Church, Clapham Park
with The London Crusader Choir
The Brass Ensemble of the Upper Norwood Salvation Army Band
Bandmaster, Captain George Whittingham
Conductor, The Rev. Douglas B. Gray
Introduced by Ronald Allison
Jesus, where'er thy people meet (Simeon)
O the deep, deep love of Jesus (Ebenezer)
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father (Great is thy faithfulness)
Father of heaven, whose love profound (Rivaulx)
Give to our God immortal praise (Warrington)
Choir Solos:
Break, Day of God (Eugene Butler/Eric Ball)
Bless the Lord, O my soul (M. Ippolitov -Ivanov)
Come let us to the Lord our God (arr. Sir H. Roberton)
The King of Love my Shepherd is (H. W. Baker/H. R. Shelley)
The London Crusader Choir, the Central Choir of The Elim Churches directed by Douglas B. Gray, the founder conductor of the choir, this year celebrate their fortieth anniversary.
The choir leads the singing in St. James's Parish Church, joined by congregations from local Anglican and Free Churches and accompanied by the Brass Ensemble from the Upper Norwood Salvation Army Band.