Some decades before
Bach wrote his Leipzig cantatas, the French grand motet was reaching its highpoint in the work of Lalande. Greta de Reyghere (sop) Guillemette Laurens (mezzo-soprano) Michael Chance (counter-tenor)
John EIwes (tenor)
Max van Egmond (bass) Cantata; La Petite Bande directed by Wieland Kuijken
Lalande Super flumina Babylonis (1687)
2.00 Interval Reading
2.05 Bach Cantatas: ?< 7&' JMM, de?- du meine See/e; ? 26. Ach MM/7MC/:!!a, ac/: M;!e n:C/:<!0 fGifen as part o/a Sou</! BanA' Centre senM !n assooaHon MttA BMW (GB) Ltd)