A. PASTOR, D. Phil. (Cervantes Professor cf Spanish Language and Literature in the University of London)
This evening Dr. Pastor, who is Cervantes Professor of Spanish language and literature and head of the department of Spanish studies in the University of London, King's College, is to give the first of two talks on Spain. These talks are introductory to a first-year course in the Spanish language which Maria de Laguna is to begin on October 3, but they are also complete talks in themselves.
There is no greater authority on Spain and her people than Dr. Pastor, who studied at the University of Madrid -town of perfumes, for the bakeries burn in their ovens thyme and rosemary-and studied at Oxford University, where he became Taylorian Lecturer. Among other positions he has held, he has been adviser to the London County Council since 1922.
In 1931 Dr. Pastor assisted H.R.H. the Prince of Wales in the preparation of his South American tour. He has lectured throughout Europe on Hispanic subjects, and written a number of books on Spain. Old student listeners will remember that he gave the first Spanish instruction course ever given for adults by the BBC.