Elsie Suddaby comes from Yorkshire. She began her musical career as a pianist, winning the Gold Medal of the Associated Board, and then secured a scholarship at the Leeds School of Music, where she studied singing under Dr. Bairstow. Miss Suddaby has established herself as one of Britain's leading sopranos, having appeared with most of the leading choral societies. Furthermore, she has been a frequent broadcaster since her debut before the microphone in 1923 at Manchester.
C. H. Trevor , well known to listeners as a serious organist, has not had a spectacular career, although he has earned a place in the front rank of exponents of his instrument. Mr, Trevor is practically self-taught and has specialised in the interpretation' of the early composers of organ music. Many listeners will'no doubt remember that early in 1933 he gave a notable recital of Max Reger 's organ music, which was the first time that a programme devoted exclusively to the works of this composer had been broadcast.