Introduced from Birmingham by Maureen Staffer Sounds of Praise: DENNIS THURLOW runs a small company which builds and restores church and cathedral organs. He talks about his craft to DAVID LLOYD and illustrates the different stages of production.
Cast-offs and Left-overs: are you likely to be still faced with turkey four days after Christmas? Overwhelmed with unwanted wrapping paper? Will those socks and ties have to be changed? ANN TENNANT and Richard CARR -INGTON present a crash course in coping with the season's excesses.
Resetting the Body's Clock: some people find it difficult to sleep at night - and prefer to doze during the day instead. At the Montefiore Hospital in New York. DR ELLIOTT WEITZMAN has developed new techniques which may help such cases. He discusses his work with GILL PYRAR. BBC Birmingham
The Two Wise Virgin- *< Have (2)