from Barnsley, South Yorkshire
All the town's churches join Barnsley's Roman Catholics in their Church of the Holy Rood. Factory inspector GORDON DACK who chose a reading from the Old Testament, and miner TOM MCNICHOLAS who likes the hymn 'Soul of my Saviour' are just two of the people present who have been talking to MICHAEL BARRATT about life and faith.
Praise to the Holiest (Somervell): More about Jesus would I know: Soul of my Saviour (Anima Christi); The King of love (Dominus regit me); Fight the good fight (Duke Street); Abide with me (Eventide); AU creatures of our God and King (Easter Alleluya); Rejoice, 0 land (Wareham)
Conductor JOHN E. KENYON Organist KEN SHAW
Series producer ANDREW BARR