Appeal on behalf of the Educational Settlements
Association, by Mr. HORACE FLEMING , M.A.
THE Educational Settlements Association now promotes adult education through thirteen Educational Settlements and six Residential Colleges. Tho Settlements touch annually thousands of students from every walk of life-manual and agricultural workers, shop assistants, clerks, teachers, artisans, miners, railway workers, housewives, unskilled workers, professional men and women, civil servants, factory hands. These are of all ages, from eighteen to seventy. Last year forty-two classes in the Settlements were recognized by the Board of Education and earned grants. Settlements and Colleges affiliated to the Association, whilst endeavouring to maintain standards such as those contemplated in the Board of Education Regulations, keep constantly before them the importance of pioneer and experimental work. It is for the purpose of obtaining means to encourage individual teachers and students by travel bursaries, to supplement personal sacrifices to achieve educational advantages, and to increase the opportunities for social and educational community life, that tonight's appeal is made.
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