An appeal on behalf of THE HAIG HOMES by The Rt. Hon. Viscount LEE OF Fareham, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.B.E., Chairman of the Council of Trustees
Few will dispute the right of the ex-Service man to a decent home for himself and his family in the land for which he fought, or would not be shocked to see the terrible housing conditions to which many of them, impoverished by the disablement or death of the breadwinner, are condemned.
A National trust, known as the Haig Homes , was launched in 1928 to deal with this urgent problem by providing houses or flats, designed where necessary to meet the special needs of disabled men, in pleasant surroundings, and at rents which even the poorest can afford, or alternatively by making grants in aid of rent to those who cannot be accommodated in the Trust's own properties.
Some 650 families, representing over 3,000 persons, are already being helped, but further funds are urgently needed.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]