With Jonathan Swain.
Mozart Overture: The Abduction from the Seraglio
Strauss Four Last Songs Brahms Symphony No 1 in C minor Ragnhild Heiland Sorensen (soprano), Norwegian Radio Orchestra, conductor Milan Horvat 2.15
Schumann Dichterliebe , Op 48 2.45 Zarebski Piano Quintet in G minor, Op 34 3.20 Rachmaninov Moments Musicaux, Op 16
3.50 Lipinski Violin Concerto No 4 in A, Op 32
4.05 Matteis/Anon: Arie e Passaggi ad Imitatione della Trombetta: Five Playford Marches; Chaconne: Plaint; Ecchi
4.15 A Gabrleli Sento un Rumor 4.20 Krebs Praelude and Fugue in B flat 4.30 Wldor Flute Suite, Op 34 4.50 Grainger Hill Song No 2; Colleen Dhas 5.00 Glazunov Barcarolle in D flat, Op 22 No 1 Trad, arr Wlkander Spread Your
Fragrance, Lilac White; The Fine Crystal 5.05 Strauss Das warsehrgut; Dann aber, wie ich Siegespurt hab' hierim Finstern steh 'n (Arabella) 5.10 Vaughan Williams Romance 5.20 Lassus Dulces Exuviae 5.25 Byrd Goodnight Ground in C (My Lady Nevell Book)
5.35 Tavener Funeral Ikos 5.40 Giustlnl Piano Sonata in F, Op 1 No 6 5.55 Bach Overture: Orchestral Suite No 1 in C, BWV1066 6.05 JC Bach Quinte in F. Op 11 No 3
6.15 Debussy Chansons de Bilitis 6.20 Stants String
Quartet No 2 6.35 Beethoven Piano Sonata in A, Op 101