of Dante Alighieri
The third cantica of the Divine
Comedy, translated into English triple rhyme by Laurence Binyon
A reading in six parts
Produced by Peter Duval Smith
Part 5 (Cantos 23-27): In the Eighth Heaven of the Fixed Stars the Triumph of Christ is made visible to Dante; from the innumerable company of the Blessed, Beatrice calls forth three of the Apostles, each of whom examines Dante on the subject of that cardinal virtue which he especially represents-thus Dante is questioned by St. Peter about Faith, by St. James about Hope, and by St. John about Love; the spirit of Adam tells Dante the story of the Fall; St. Peter speaks bitterly of the corrupt Popes who have lately held the holy office which he began; Dante and Beatrice are wafted up into the Primum Mobile, the Ninth and Uppermost Heaven of Paradise; Beatrice makes lament for the sorry heart of man.