A programme for everyone interested in building
Introduced by Charles Crichton
Know Your Industry: a fortnightly series of talks. 6-The House-builders Registration Council: C. Douglas Calverley. F.I.O.B ., explains the objects of the Council, which does much to ensure high standards in speculative building
Cost Planning : What is it? How does it work? Is it important? These and other points are discussed by an architect. Clive E. D. Wooster , A.R.I.B.A.. A,M,T.P.I.: a builder, H. J. Cruickshank. A.M.i.Mech.E., F.I.O.B.; and a quantity surveyor, Peter W. Grafton. F.R.l.C.S.
News of the Week: by William Bryant and other items of technical and topical interest