by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Adapted for radio bv Christopher Sykes
In collaboration with the author
Narration by John Sharp
Production by Christopher Sykes
Christopher Sykes writes: ' This is the sixth of Miss Compton-Burnett's novels to be adapted for broadcasting. There is much to be said against adapting literary works from their original medium into one for which they were not intended, and the critics often say it. but Miss Compion-Bumett's fiction is now decisively proved, I think, to be a certain exception to any rule on that subject. There are various reasons, notably the great preponderance of dialogue in all her fiction and the wonderful opportunities that her style gives for subtle acting. There is also the interesting fact that many people who have found her difficult reading have also found .that listening to the radio versions of her stories has opened a door on to the strange world she describes, and its wonders.'
DURING THE INTERVAL (8.55-9.5 app.):
Concerto in D (L'estro armonico No. 9) played by Montserrat Cervera (violin)
I Musici on a gramophone record