A film by Eric Ashby about the private life of one of Britain's most hunted animals
Commentary by Tony Soper
The brown streak of a fox across the countryside with the hounds in full pursuit is as much as most people see of one of Britain's most familiar animals. Because it is hunted so much, a fox at its earth is not easily observed; nevertheless, Eric Ashby has succeeded in obtaining remarkable film of fox families in the New
Forest. This evening you can see the fruits of six years of patient watching; how wild foxes really live when they are left alone; and how they hunt when not hunted themselves.
from the South and West
'Look.' a fully illustrated selection from twenty programmes in this series, has recently been published by the BBC at 30s. Order through your bookseller, or send crossed P.O. (not stamps) for 33s. (Inc. postage and packing) to BBC Publications. [address removed].