from the Chtapel of New College, Oxford
Prices and Responses (Morley) Psa.lm 103
First Lesson: Exodus 6. vv. 1-13
Magnificat. (Morley, Second Service} Second Lesson: Ephesians 4. vv. 1-16 Nunc dimittis (Morley, Second Service) Creed; Suffrages: Collects
Anithcm: Nolo mortem peccatoris
Nolo mortem peccatoris,
Haec sunt verba salvatoris.
Father, I am thine only Son,
Sent down from Heaven mankind to save,
Father, all things fulfilled and done According to thy will I have:
Father, my will now all is this: Nolo mortem peccatoris.
Farther, behold my painful smart, Taken for man on every side;
Even from my birth to death most tert No kind of pa:n have I denied; iBut suffered all, and all for this: Nolo mortem peccatoris.
Pnayiens amd Grace
Organist and Cho-irmasiter,
H. K. Andrews