(Church of Scotland) from St. John's Church, Largs
The Bells
11.15 Order of Service
Metrical psalm lxv, v.v. 1-4, Praise waits for thee in Sion, Lord, 1-4 (Tune, St. Stephen)
Hymn, The Lord is King! lift up thy voice (Rv. C.H. 25)
Lesson, Mark xiv, 26-42 Children's Address
Hymn, Just as I am, thine own to be
(Rv. C.H. 497)
Hymn, Crown him with many crowns
(Rv. C.H. 136)
Address by the Rev. JOHN L. RIACH ,
Paraphrase lx, Father of peace and God of love
Organist, George H. Rolland