8.45 Daventry
The Week's Good Cause
An Appeal on behalf of THE CROMER AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL, by the President of the Hospital,
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
Sixty-seven years ago Cromer Cottage Hospital laid the foundation of its work. The little hospital with its original six beds was enlarged from time to time, but unfortunately years ago it became totally inadequate. In 1928 the demands of an ever-grdwing district, and the impossibility of further extension on the site, brought about a crisis that had to be faced. The result proves the enthusiasm, the work, and the unwearying zeal of those who were determined from the start to bring into existence this sadly-needed hospital. And so there stands a fully equipped hospital of thirty-eight beds, costing some £20,000, all raised locally. In building, care was taken that extensions at least up to fifty beds might be easily and cheaply added.
The urgent need now is for a Maternity Ward, and for contributions towards this the President of the Hospital, Mr. S. Christopherson , is to appeal this evening.
Mr. Christopherson is an Almoner and Chairman of the Finance. Committee at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and so can speak with knowledge and experience.