From Scotland including
Midwinter on the Croft: a description by Mrs. Katherine Stewart of the new life she and her family have taken up in Inverness-shire
Rural Transport: John Lindsay interviews Lady Riddell-Webster, past Chairman of the Perth and Kinross Federation of the Scottish Women's Rural Institutes. A country school teacher and a farmer's wife also give their views.
The Road to Abyssinia: Kenneth Richmond walks along the track to a ruined croft in a deserted part of Glen Kinglas in Argyll.
Comin' thro' the Rye: a Burns love song sung by Ursula David son.
Ski-ing in Scotland: advice for beginners who come to the Highlands for their winter sports, by Enid Duncan
Introduced by Elsie Russell
' The Dead Secret' by Wilkie Collins
Abridged by Becky Cocking
Read by Derek Hart
The ninth of fifteen instalments