The last of six experiments in creative radio.
Procession to the Private Sector
The first production of a surrealist film scenario written in 1936 by the poet
David Gascoyne , the most prominent English writer of that movement, and rewritten by him in the 1980s after the manuscript was found in the British Library. Adapted as a "film for radio" by Sean Street , with new music by John Surman , it features
Simon Callow as the Camera. The story - of the vicissitudes of a pair of lovers, the thuggery of anonymous power, social cataclysm and reconciliation - springs from a dream of Gascoyne's and is dramatised through symbol, myth and startling, sometimes comedic, imagery. With
Carolyn Jones , Christopher Robbie , Colleen Prendergast and Orlando Wells. Musicians are John Surman
(saxophones/electronic sounds) and Chris Laurence (bass). Producer Julian May