An appeal on behalf of the Citizens'
Advice Bureaux Service by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Greenwood ,
Citizens' Advice Bureaux, of which some eight hundred have been established all over the country since the outbreak of war, give a free service of help and advice to anybody troubled or perplexed by personal or domestic problems. Sponsored by the National Council of Social Service, the Bureaux have been recognised by the Government as contributing towards the maintenance of the morale of the population during these difficult days.
A programme involving a visit to a Citizens' Advice Bureau in a South Wales town will be broadcast next Saturday at 12 noon. Listeners will be able to hear for themselves some of the questions and answers that pass to and fro between enquirer and official.
Contributions for the central fund will be gratefully acknowledged if addressed to the Rt. Hon. Arthur Greenwood , M.P., [address removed]