A programme for children under five
Nursery rhymes, stories, and music
'One of his great favourites,' wrote the mother of a small boy, ' is " The London Express During the sequel telling of John's journey, he sat perfectly still and more absorbed than I have ever known ham and, as soon as it was over, demanded that next we should hear the story of how they came back after their holiday in London! A second opportunity of hearing the stories would be very welcome indeed.'
So here on Wednesday and Thursday this week come these stories, written by Monica Jarrett and told by Julia Lang , to please not only this boy but innumerable other children-girls as well as boys -who delight in the experiences of watching trains and riding in them.
Julia Lang tells today's story, too, another one of real life-jean Sutcliffe's tale of Peter, the little black kitten; and tomorrow and on Friday Daphne Oxenford brings us two little fantasies. ' The House that no one wanted,' by Ursula Hourihane , and Ann Elliott 's cumulative tale, ' Pat's Umbrella.' Catherine Edwards introduces the programmes again this week. Elizabeth A. Taylor