A comedy by George Etherege , Esq. acted at His Highnesse the Duke of York's Theatre
Printed for H. Herringman. at the Sign of the Blew Anchor in the Lower walk of the New Exchange. 1668.
Music composed and directed by DONALD SWANN with Robert Eddison
Michael Flanders , Bill Fraser
Hattie Jacques , Ian Richardson
Prunella Scales , and Stephanie Voss
Dramatis Personae:
Produced by H. B. FORTUIN
Robert Eddison Is In The Importance of being Earnest ' at the Haymarket Theatre; Stephanie Voss is in ' The Four Musketeers' at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. London; Ian Richardson is a member of the Royal Shakespeare Co. To be repeated on October 18
See page 36