Kathleen Wills (Contralto), John Collinson (Tenor)
The Station Trio: Frank Thomas (Violin); Frank Whitnall (Violoncello); Vera McComb Thomas (Pianoforte)
Scene I.-Stately Measures.
A Ball and a Love Scene, showing that Hearts could still be young, ever so long ago.
Scene II.-A Victorian Drawing-Room.
Kathleen Wills
"Love's Old Sweet Song".
"She Wore a Wreath of Roses".
Kathleen Wills and John Collinson
"Song at Twilight".
"The Keys of Heaven".
Scene III.-A Victorian Ball Room.
Scene IV.-A Ball Room To-day.
Scene V.-In the Gloaming.
John Collinson
"The Last Rose of Summer" (with String).
"Ye Banks and Braes".
Kathleen Wills
"Oft in the Stilly Night".
"When the Heart Was Young".
"Home, Sweet Home".