from the 1994 Eton
Choral Course.
Introit: Christe, qui lux es et dies (Robert Whyte )
Responses (Tomkins)
Psalm 18 wl-15 and 31-6 (Ouseley, Goss)
First Lesson: Exodus 25 wl-11, 21, 22 (AV)
Office Hymn: 0 what their joy and their glory must be (Regnator Orbis) Magnificat (Finzi)
Second Lesson: John 2
W13-22 (AV)
Nunc Dimittis (Hoist)
Anthem: Take him, earth, for cherishing (Howells)
Hymn: Let saints on earth in concert sing (Dundee)
Organ Voluntary: Rhapsody No 3 (Howells). Director of Music Ralph Allwood
Organist Stephen Disley