Sentences inviting to worship, and brief Collect
Hymn. ' Lead, Kindly Light' (Tune : ' Lux
Benigna ')
Collects and Extempore Prayer of Intercession The Magnificat
Lesson : Isaiah iv, 1-5, First Epistle of John, chap. i
Hymn. ' Lord of all being' (Tune : Arizona )
Address by Principal W. B. SELBIE , Mansfield
College, Oxford
Brief Prayer
Hymn, '0 Blessed Life' (Tune : ' Sarby ') Benediction
BESIDE being
Principal of Mansfield College, Oxford— a position that he has occupied since 1909— the Rev. W. B. Selbie is a former Chairman of the Congregational Union and President of the National Free Church Council. He is the author of several books, including 'The
Psychology of Religion,' and "Belief and Life.'