THIS series now takes a new turn.
During the autumn, Arthur Bryant , assisted by Professor H. J. Fleure , analysed our national character from a historical point of view and gave listeners composite portraits of traditional British types. Now, for the next four Mondays, listeners will hear of the characteristics of the Englishman; of the Scot ; of the Welshman, and of the Irishman. And then in February we are to see ourselves as others see us, and listen to three views from abroad. In this evening's broadcast two speakers will discuss the differences between the North Countryman and the Southerner. Their essential characteristics ; the influence of modern industry in the North on the man from Lancashire and Yorkshire, and so on ; the supposed easy-going nature of the Southerner by comparison; the question as to whether the present drift of industry towards the South is likely to remove the difference; these will be some of the matters discussed.