Relayed from Crowstone Congregational Church, Westcliffe-on-Sea
Opening Sentences
Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer
Hymn, O tor a thousand Tongues to sing (Congregational Hymnary, No. 160) (Tune, University)
Scripture Lesson
Hymn, For the Beauty of the Earth (Congregational Hymnary. No. 43) (Tune, St. Brannock)
Anthem, The Wilderness (Goss)
Choral Prayer
Hymn, Eternal God, Whose changeless Will (Congregational Hymnary, No. 220) (Tune, Warrington)
Address by the Rev. A.A Lee
Doxology: Praise God, from Whom all Blessings flow (Tune, Lasst Uns Erfreuen)
At the Organ, Mr. H.J. Hockley
Master of Music, Mr. John Fairweather