Introduced by Desmond Lynam Producer GEOFF DOBSON
Events may alter timings
Studio guest Julie Heldman
2.2 Racing from Ascot Heath
2.8 Golf commentary
2.15 Show Jumping
2.25 Racing from Ascot Heath
2.35 Golf commentary
2.40 Sports Forum
2.55 Racing from Ascot Heath
3.5 Golf commentary
3.10 Sports Forum
3.25 Golf commentary
3.30 Racing from Ascot Heath
3.4t Golf commentary
3.45 Association Football
4.42 First results
4.50 Show Jumping and Golf
4.54 Racing Results
5.0 Sports Report
2.2; 2.25; 2.55; 3.30 Racing from Ascot Heath
Commentary by PETER BROMLEY on the 2.2 Brocas Stakes Handicap): the 2.30 Princess Royal Stakes: the 3.0 Kensington Palace Stakes (Handicap), and the 3.35 Cornwallis Stakes
2.8; 2.35; 3.5; 3.25; 3.48; 4.50 Golf
The Piccadilly
World Match Play Championship Reportsonthefinal,being played over 36 holes, by TOM SCOTT from the Wentworth Club, Surrey
2.15: 4.50
Show Jumping
Horse of the Year Show
RAYMOND BROOKS-WARD reports on the Calor Gas International Championship and the Country Life and Riding Cup from the EmpiTe Pool, Wembley, and looks ahead to tonight's events
2.46; 3.10
Sports Forum
Topics in the news discussed by PETER WILSON of the Daily Mirror; RAY ILLINGWORTH , Captain of Leicestershire and England. and DEREK DOUGAN (Wolves and Northern Ireland). Chairman of the Professional Footballers Association
'Recorded at Allied Breweries Burton). Burton-upon-Trent)
Association Football
Half-time stores and reports, with commentary on the second half of a top match by MAURICE EDELSTON and BRYON BUTLER. followed by the results as they come in 5.0
Sports Report
Including classified football results, reports on selected soccer matches and further news of the rest of the afternoon's sport