From Scotland
Introduced by ELSIE RUSSELL
Ski-land: ALLISON WILKIE joins the weekend invasion of the Cairngorms; and PATRICIA BARCLAY muses on the technique required of the successful après-skier
Saturday Morning Theatre:
CATHERINE HOLLINGWORTH describes her work with school-children and dramatics
Can Bedsitters Save Family
Life: thoughts on future house-building by DR. WINNIEFRED GRAY. a former G.P. and Public
Health official
† Highland Garden: thousands of tourists flock every year to JACK DRAKE'S nursery of alpine plants on Speyside
Life in the Teenage: can the over-forties survive in it? PRoFESSOR ELIZABETH FRASER, Of Aberdeen University Psychology Department, talking with J. CALLAN ANDERSON, manager of a club for young people PEGGY ASHCROFT reads Persuasion by JANE AUSTEN
Seventh of fourteen Instalments Peggy Ashcroft, who reads the serial this week, is a member of the Royal ShakesPeare Theatre Company