from Dundee Parish Church (St. Mary's)
Organ Voluntary and Announcement
Psalm 145, 2nd Version, vv. 1-6. 0
Lord, thou art my God and King (Tune, Duke Street)
When morning gilds the skies (C.H. 167 ;
S.P. 696 ; A. and M. 303)
Lesson : St. MaRhew 10, vv. 24-39 Prayer
Holy Father, in thy mercy (C.H. 629 ;
A. and M. 595)
Address by the Rev. J. H. Duncan ,
Paraphrase 61 : Blest be the everlasting
God (C.H. 137 : Tune, Bishopthorpe)
Organ Voluntary
Organist, Alastair M. Arthur