Conducted by Warwick Braithwaite Debussy's ' Printemps is an early work, written when the composer was a Prix de Rome student in Italy. It was originally written for chorus and orchestra, but twenty years later Debussy revised it, leaving out the choral parts and giving more prominence to the part for piano duet.
In a letter written after he had first composed this work he says that ' Printemps ' had given. him a great deal of trouble and caused him ' to lead a life compared to which convicts have a ) leisurely time He says that he intended the music to C cover a great range of feelings. It is to be called " Printemps ", not a descriptive Printemps, but a human one'. He sought to express ' the slow and miserable birth of beings and things in nature, their gradual blossoming and finally the joy of being born into a new life '.