Suggest an edit14:30'CINDERELLA'BBC Home Service Mon 4th Jan 1943, 14:30 on BBC Home Service BasicView in Radio TimesAn excerpt presented by Tom Arnold. From the Empire Theatre, Liverpool andContributorsPresented By:Tom Arnold.Baron Mumm:Fred EmneyPrince Charming:Kitty ReidyCinderella:Jean GillieMaxie Mumm:Molly StollMinnie Mumm:Beryl ReidDandini f:Marianne LincolnSpottem and Grabbem:Syd HarrisonSpottem and Grabbem:Max HarrisonThe Fairy Godmother:Dorothy Hills WatsonPrincipal dancers:Beatrice AppleyardPrincipal dancers:Rovi PavinoftButtons:Jack Buchanan Source: Radio Times Suggest an edit