Appeal on behalf of The Fairbridge Society by the Rt. Hon.L. S. Amery , c.H.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The Fairbridge Society, of which the Duke of Gloucester is President, was founded more than forty-three years ago by Kingsley FaiTbridge, one of the first Rhodes Scholars, to whose memory a statue was unveiled by the Queen Mother during Her Majesty's recent visit to Rhodesia. Its chief aim is to help deprived, neglected, and ill-treated children in Britain, who would have a better chance in life by being trained in the farm schools of this Society in Australia.
Not all the boys and girls take up farming, as some are encouraged and helped to succeed in other occupations and professions more suited to their talents. The Society is interdenominational, and children are received and brought up in their own faiths. They come from all parts of the country and enjoy tihe same educational and o:lher benefits as do their fellow citizens in tihe Commonweathcountry to which they now belong