Bright the vision (A. and M. 161; S.P.
460: Tune, Laus Deo)
Interlude: ' Paulinus of Nola'
Prayers: the Prayer of St. Richard; the Lord's Prayer
Take up thy cross (A. and M. 263, omitting v. 6; S.P. 119. omitting v. 6; C.H. 501: Tune. Breslau)
Paulinus was born in Gaut in A.D. 353. He was a Roman citizen and achieved distinction as a poet and writer. Later he became a Christian and went to live as a hermit at the Shrine of Nola, near Naples. There he gave away all his money to refugees Seeing before the invading armies of the Vandals. He eventually took pity on a prisoner of war and, changing places with him, was sent as a slave to Africa. His story illustrates the saying of Christ: 'He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it ' (St. Matthew 10, v. 39). t