Olympic champion Jason Gatlin squaring off with world-record holder Asafa Powell in the men's 100m
(7.36) and the last ever London track appearance by Kelly Holmes (women's 1,000m, 7.50) are among the highlights in continuing coverage from Crystal Palace. The full timetable is: BBC2: women's 100m hurdles
(6.07); men's triple jump (6.13); men's 100m heats (6.19); women's pole vault (6.25); men's 800m heats (6.43); men's 1500m (6.53); men's shot (8.00); men's 400m (8.10); women's 400m (8.20); men's 200m (8.30); men's 5,000m (8.40). BBC1: men's 400m hurdles (7.06); women's 200m (7.16); men's 800m final (7.26); women's long jump (7.43). Steve Cram , Stuart Storey , Paul Dickenson and Jonathan Edwards commentate. With Hazel Irvine. Continues on BBC2. Editor Michael Cole ; Executive producer Martin Webster