Birthday Festival Thanksgiving Service
Relayed from Westminster Abbey
Order of Service:
Hymn, 'Hail, Joyful Light'
The Rev. P. B. Clayton, Foundation Padre of Toc H, will speak for the Foundation (i.e. War-time) Members, followed by a declaration by the Post-War members.
The Precentor: Prayers for the Family
Hymn, 'Let the most Blessed be our guide'
The Precentor: Canticle of Praise and Thanksgiving
Hymn, 'O Valiant Hearts'
During the singing of this hymn Field-Marshal Lord Plumer will present Crosses from the graves of Unknown Soldiers to be placed in the Chapels of various groups.
The Burgomaster of Ypres will bear the Toc H Lamp of Maintenance which will be dedicated by the Very Reverend the Dean of Westminster to the Glory of God and in memory of the men of Belgium who fell fighting with the Allies in the Great War and to those of the British Forces who died in defence of the City of Ypres.
The Lesson-St. Matthew, Chapter vii, verses 24-29
A Litany of Purpose
Hymn, 'For all the Saints'
Hymn, 'Ye Watchers and ye Holy Ones'
During the singing of this hymn the Abbey Choir, Clergy and the Padres of Toc H will proceed to the grave of the Unknown Warrior followed by the Banners of the Toc H Branches and Groups.
Prayer for the Elder Brethren
The Procession will continue to the singing of three verses to the tune 'The Old Hundredth,' and the Service will close with the prayer of Toc H, and the Benediction