Community hymn'-slnginig from St. Boniface's Roman Catholic
Cathedral, Plymouth, led by combined choirs
Hymns introduced by Father Agnellus Andrew , o.f.m.
Praise to the holiest in the height
(Tune, Billing)
Sole hope of all the world and Lord (Tune. St. Boniface)
Hail Redeemer (Tune. Rigby)
Sing, my tongue, of warfare ended
(Tune, Mannheim)
Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast (Tune, Anima Christi)
Continued in next column
0 Mother blest (Tune, St. Ursula) Hear thy children, gentle Jesus
(Tune, Drakes Boughton)
Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go
(Tune, Sunset)
Blessing given by Canon George F. Cantell , the Administrator
Conductor, Father Patrick Dorrian
Organist, Webster Mansfield