Suggest an edit14:15Saturday Matinee 'THE RECORDING ANGEL 'BBC Home Service Sat 7th Aug 1954, 14:15 on BBC Home Service BasicView in Radio Timesby Harald Clouston and Norman Ginsbury Adapted for broadcasting by Norman Ginsbury Cast in order of speaking: Harpist, Elena Polonska Produced by Wilfrid GranthamContributorsUnknown:Harald CloustonUnknown:Norman GinsburyBroadcasting By:Norman GinsburyHarpist:Elena PolonskaProduced By:Wilfrid GranthamRobert:George MerrittEmily:Josephine DentTurner:Josephine Middle-TonCelia:Mairhi RussellWillie:Douglas HayesStephen:Denis GoacherPat:Peggy Forbes-RobertsonRoger:John GrantRobert's Angel:Raf de la TorreEmily's Angel:Preston Lockwood Source: Radio Times Suggest an edit