NATURE STUDY. Rabbits and Hares, by Scott Kennedy
2.15 HISTORY II. The Glorious' Revolution of 1688. ' Law and Government.' Script by Stephen Schofield
Shall Trelawney die? This programme tells of the imprisonment, trial, and acquittal of the Seven Bishops; the affair of the warming-pan baby; the royal attack on the University of Oxford, and how all this led to the ‘ Glorious ’ Revolution of 1688-a major step in the development of parliamentary supremacy in the government of England.
Rollo and Reckel at the Shipwreck. The first of two stories by Leslie Barnard
Rollo and his blind sister Reckel, the two little rats who live at Farmer Murkin’s farm. are back again with some more adventures.
3.0 PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. 'The Trout': an episode from ' Nature near London,' by Richard Jefferles