live from Southwell
Introit: 0 Saviour of the World (Ouseley);
Responses (Ebdon);
Psalms 147-150 (Stanford, Ferguson, Stanford,
Talbot); Lessons (RSV):
Jeremiah 33, vvl-13; John 13, wl-11; Office Hymn: Take Up Thy Cross, The Saviour Said (Breslau);
Canticles: A fauxbourdon setting (Whitlock);
Anthem: Turn Thee Unto
Me (Boyce); Hymn: 0 Sacred Head, Sore Wounded (Passion
Chorale); Organ voluntary: Rhapsody No 1 in G flat (Howells).
Rector Chori Paul Hale.
Assistant Organist Peter Wood.